On Friday 26 July, W1555 welcomed a delegation of Taiwanese urban planners from Taoyuan Municipality for a tour and several presentations. What a successful day!
After the presentation by Daan Bossuyt on urban planning and (social) housing in Rotterdam, W1555's Kathrin shared insights on the origins of our housing corporation W1555. The lectures, in WOLk's space, were followed by many interesting questions and conversations. And there was a tasty (plantbased) lunch prepared by our resident Karen.
The feedback we got: "The guests found the visit very inspiring. They were impressed by the story of W1555 and especially the organisation of the cooperation with Woonstad and the proactive attitude of the residents. Something they are not used to in Taiwan. We explained that this project is exceptional even by Dutch standards." :-)
Big thanks to tireless moderator & translator Connie Ying Tzu Lin, initiators Karola van Rooyen, Daan Bossuyt, Joris Maes, Superuse Studios and special guest Hsin-ko Yu. @dearpunkelephant, @karolalalala, @dbssy.of, @superuse_studios , @cincoyu.
