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Groot Rotterdams Atelier Weekend (GRAW) 21-22 September

Foto van schrijver: W1555W1555
W1555 is een van de locaties tijdens de vijfde editie van het Groot Rotterdams Atelier Weekend (GRAW) op 21 en 22 september 2024 (11-17 uur)! U bent van harte welkom om de ateliers van de 4 deelnemende kunstenaars in de Wolphaertstraat te bezoeken! Voel je vrij om aan te bellen bij de deelnemende kunstenaars. Zie hieronder meer info.

Tijdens GRAW 2024 doen in totaal 712 kunstenaars, makers en creatieven mee, verspreid over 99 locaties in de stad. GRAW biedt kunstliefhebbers, buurtbewoners, kunstprofessionals en nieuwsgierigen de kans om niet alleen kunst te bewonderen of te kopen, maar ook om in gesprek te gaan met de makers en meer te leren over hun artistieke proces en unieke kijk op de wereld.

W1555 deelnemers:

Dario D'aronco

Wolphaertstraat 47G

Dario D'Aronco graduated in painting in Rome and continued his education at the Van Eyck Academy in Maastricht. His work concentrates within the canon of art history in order to examine complex contemporary mental states. His works exist in the point of tension between abstraction and figuration, between apparition and emptiness, by utilizing 3D printing and his painting technique to reinterpret archaeological artifacts and everyday objects in a possible new scenario.


Petar Tuškan

Wolphaertstraat 41E

"Tuškan's paintings are as spontaneus and emotional as they are thoughtful and precise. Often innately beautiful and disruptive at the same time, they are not only intoxicating in themselves, but above all they are also the reflection of an intoxication - not as an escape into ecstasy, but the kind of intoxication that turns you inside out and puts you in touch with your innermost self at the deepest level."

Author Mischa Andriessen, from the book Petar Tuškan - The Unknown Landscape, Van Spijk ARt books 2022.


Joshua Thies

Wolphaertstraat 49-51

RAAR is a live streaming audio program about the intersection of art and sound, hosted by Joshua Thies. Expect special guest performances by artists working in the field of sound. Saturday 21 September 14:00-17:00 live radio streaming from WOLF_RT Spaces with audible artworks by Rotterdam artists and RAAR's favorite music picks. Come join us and contribute with your voice, instument, story or noise of any kind. Microphones will be on hand.


Katrina Niebergal

Wolphaertstraat 15C

Katrina Niebergal is a Canadian-born, Rotterdam-based artist, working across various media and processes, including research, filmmaking, scenographic installation, sculpture, sound and language. Increasingly, she is combining these into long-term, multifaceted, story-telling and world-making projects with an emphasis on poetic logic; the dubious and multiform subject of the womanly “irrational”, and the pre-historic and speculative-future epochs as possible times before and after patriarchy. Her current work, a research-led, experimental filmmaking project, concerns the celestial bodies and the conquest of space.



©2022 Bewonersvereniging W1555, Rotterdam (Oud-Charlois)

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